About Us

Work or Volunteer with Us

Employment Opportunities at the National Office

Volunteer Opportunities
The Lifesaving Society is a volunteer-based organization. It relies on the commitment of volunteers to provide the expertise needed to accomplish its objectives.

Volunteer opportunities arise regularly and include serving as Board members, committee involvement, special events coordination and participation in short-term projects. Volunteerism within the Lifesaving Society has a mutual benefit as volunteers play an active role in the Society and are recognized in many ways for their dedication. Also, potential employers view volunteering with the Society as an additional asset.

Experience gained by volunteering on projects, boards and committees, the lasting friendships developed and the fun experienced by all those involved with the Society, will last a lifetime. To discover your role within this dynamic organization, contact the Lifesaving Society near you.

Training Program Commissioner-Elect

The Lifesaving Society Canada is currently seeking a volunteer to assist in leading the Training Program activity centre and projects as per the Lifesaving Society Canada (the ‘Society’ or ‘LSC’) strategic plan.  Working with the Training Program Commissioner, the Commissioner-Elect will perform duties as outlined in the Call for Volunteers – Training Program Commissioner, Training Program Commission TOR 2022 and Job Description – Training Program Commissioner – FINAL.   Please submit an Expression of Interest to Wendy Schultenkamper, Chief Operations Officer via email at wschultenkamper@lifesaving.ca by 21 February 2025. Expressions of Interest should include a description of your relevant experience, skills, and education.

Dr. Ian Mackie Medical Fellowship